
October 2019Uzbekistan

The capital of modern times that distinguishes itself from the ornate historical cities.

Mustaqillik Maydoni

The easiest way to describe Tashkent, is to picture her subway stations.

It has been a very long time since my last post, and lots of happenings we have been through for one year. I had traveled to Uzbekistan, published the biggest album ever, along with my Blurb photobook. My braces almost finish. Last but not least, we haven’t been able to cherish the beauty of our Earth, I guess, due to the pandemic. I wish you all well, and we shall meet again, we shall travel again.

The Street Life

Tashkent Morning

Tashkent or Toshkent (Ташкент), was my first touch point of the trip, but I deferred visiting it until the final day. Save the best for the last? Not quite. But it’s not a disappointing experience at all, instead, the photos taken from Tashkent are the ones I love the most, as I find the vibes lingering whenever having a chance to view them.

Vintage Car and Soldier Vintage Car and Soldier
Vintage Car and Soldier

If compared to other spectacular historical cities of Uzbekistan, Tashkent is merely a modern city rebuilt after the 1966 earthquake. Abundant with typical Soviet monotonous buildings ‘Khrushchyovka’, decorated with fierce displays of patriotism and Communist progressiveness, someone may find it’s just not worth to visit.

What I can reply to that? Heck no. It’s an exuberant urban.

A Vegetable Vendor
A Vegetable Vendor

Coming from oasis cities to the west of Uzbekistan like Bukhara and Khiva, the weather of Tashkent could be felt more humid and colder, and well I could see layers of overcasting clouds on an autumn day. Fortunately it didn’t last long, and photos came out gorgeously.

Hotel Uzbekistan

Chorsu Bazaar

If someone says I love my Chorsu Bazaar photos, it’s an understatement. I found them treasure. Treasured moments, treasured emotions, treasured excitements.

All the essences of Autumn colors, are condensed in the lusciousness of delectable goodies. As fresh as the tomatoes, onions and beetroot; as salivating as the dried persimmons, nuts and cherries. Please just don’t think Uzbekistan lies in unsurvivable deserts, that’s enough.

Delectable Goodies Delectable Goodies
Delectable Goodies
Delectable Goodies

…it’s all about people

Different from scenery photos, street photos focus on people, on unarranged reality, on motions of eyes, on bursts of laughters. We are bestowed to make random connections and perceive the passage of time.

Men in Chorsu Bazaar, at Butcheries and Kebab Stall Men in Chorsu Bazaar, at Butcheries and Kebab Stall
Men in Chorsu Bazaar, at Butcheries and Kebab Stall
Men in Chorsu Bazaar, at Butcheries and Kebab Stall

Perhaps the morning there was just cinematic. Yet in front of my eyes.

Morning at Chorsu Bazaar Morning at Chorsu Bazaar

…and the heart of Tashkent

I bet every tour in Tashkent will have Chorsu Bazaar in their checklist. A golden ticket to learn about Uzbekistan cuisine, its love towards meat, and energetic working human of the country, in one single place.

Misty and Smoky Scene from Chaikhana (Food Hall)
Misty and Smoky Scene from Chaikhana (Food Hall)

And my recommendation: try the grilled kebab, fill the stomach with freshly cooked plov, and especially entice yourself with horse meat dishes, such as the popular Naryn.

I personally like horse meat though, but not having so many chances throughout the journey. Miss you so much, Qazı!

Naryn, Finely Chopped Horse Meat Salad with Onion and Noodles
Naryn, Finely Chopped Horse Meat Salad with Onion and Noodles

…of course, with silhouette

Indoor place with lack of natural light is the ideal location for silhouette. Results turned out to be not too bad.

The Silhouettes The Silhouettes
The Silhouettes

And I love Uzbekistan for its geometric pattern decoration in architecture.

Capturing arts is an easy task, if putting it beside the mammoth process of creation.

The Bazaar Dome

Tashkent Metro

So we start from a picture of Mustaqillik Maydoni Station, it’s time to get back on the train.

A Girl Waiting at Oybek Station
A Girl Waiting at Oybek Station

Touring a city by just hopping from stations to stations may sound sort of crazy and wasting of time, but it’s no surprise that Tashkent Metro is advertised frequently in travel brochures and blogs, for its meticulous and unique décor in each station.



Alisher Navoi

Alisher Navoi



Mustaqillik Maydoni

Mustaqillik Maydoni

The vibes inside train feel really…, hmm, Soviet. Like people are cold and reserved, dressed in serious black suits.

Uniforms in the Coach

But I miss those good old days when we see each other’s face not through masks.

At the Platform The Coach Window Exit from the Station Alisher Navoi

Exit the train and wander around the city, for the last actual autumn day experienced before the long travel hibernation.

Train Door Closing

The Autumn Leaves

Perhaps nothing can uplift our spirits as much as a dose of radiant and cheerful photos. In my vivid memory, Tashkent is an open, vibrant and culturally diverse urban - as diverse as a basket of low-key and saturated images.

An Autumn Expression An Autumn Expression
An Autumn Expression

This very short section hopefully gives a clear proof for that above statement.

Hawthorn Berries


book cover

Uzbekistan, October 2019

On Blurb
Buy the Photobook
Go to Flickr Album

This post is a part of the Uzbekistan series.

Written on December 12, 2020
© Zuyet Awarmatik


Zuyet Awarmatrip is a subsidiary identity within the personal ecosystem of Zuyet Awarmatik, focusing on travel and photography.

A Vietnamese usually regarding himself as a carefree solo Eastern backpacker, alongside with his main profession as a UX engineer. Neither being a freelancer nor a digital nomad, this website is built for the purpose of recording his life experience and happenings instead of letting them go into oblivion. He hopes these photos here shall always deliver the colorfulness of this worldly reality.

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I remembered I had an enjoyable chat with a girl throughout the trip, and then the chat ended forever, at its finest peak.